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We're in the office Monday through Friday, 9AM - 5PM CST. We try to respond to most messages the same, or next business day. We've also created a robust Support page that makes it easy to find answers to some of our most FAQs, Installation Guides, as well as information about our Risk-Free Audition, Shipping, and Returns.
Before you reach out, here are the two most common questions ...
I'm hearing distoriton. If you're hearing distortion, start by removing the suspect grille and check the tweeter wiring harness. Ensure it's not touching the top of the midrange driver. If it is, adjust the wiring so it's clear. Listen before reattaching the grille. This fixes 98% of distortion issues. If the problem persists, contact us using the form below.
2024 Driver Side Fitment Isssue. here was a slight change to the sub-dash assembly on the driver's side of the 2024 Wrangler and Gladiator. To install your new midrange driver, slightly rotate the driver's side midrange after placing it in the cavity, so the plug on the basket tucks under the lip closest to you, towards the A-pillar side.